Linklater’s TopScore Story: “The security features were really good, so not something we had to worry about.”
We spoke to Sam Lee, Trainee Recruitment Advisor at Linklaters, about using the TopScore platform to support their trainee graduate virtual assessment centres. See some quotes from the interview, with the full video below.
“The system was really straight forward to use, the transition was really easy as their was always someone on hand from TopScore”
“Feedback from users has been positive! It’s really easy to use!”
“Candidates have been pleasantly surprised with how smooth everything has run”
“Candidates and assessors are no longer restricted by the location… They don’t need to worry about travel costs, or overnight hotel stays to come to London”
“The security features were really good, so not something we had to worry about!”
“Candidate’s cannot download copies of our materials, or copy text”
“There have been constant updates and improvements to the TopScore platform, to make it even easier to use”
Watch Sam’s interview below